Vision Youth is the Junior High and Senior High School community of Vision Church. We are committed to creating a place where young people can belong, grow, and encounter God. We meet through Youth Connects and Seasonal Events.
Youth Connects
Vision Youth Connects are gatherings for junior high and high school students from Vision Church who meet hang, eat and talk about life & faith.
Vision Youth Connects are designed to help intermediate & highschool students walk confidently in their discipleship journey and to find a place to belong.
Our Junior High Connect (Ages 10 -14 years) meet every Sunday at our 9:30am & 11am service in the front lounge. Join in for worship and then make your way to the lounge during the minute mingle (meet and greet) part of our service.
The first half hour is dedicated to fellowship. This is a great time for students to get to know each other, connect, and eat some yummy food. After that we move into an icebreaker activity, praise report, gender based discussions, and a prayer moment. We like to celebrate together and pray together!
Senior High (ages 14 - 17) meet fortnightly on a Friday evening across various locations in Manawatu on “Connect Week”
Each connect is led by two adult police vetted leaders of the opposite gender and will have at least 2-4 adult leaders as support.
Once a Term there will be either a Retreat (night away) or an ALL IN (large youth service).
Junior & Senior High Youth Directors
Roman Strong
Youth Director - Senior High Boys
Tereya Strong
Youth Director - Senior High Girls
Ray Pan
Senior High Boys
Rachel Curley
Junior High Girls
Jordan Dowers
Junior High Boys
Jade Freeth
Junior High Girls