Prayer at Vision

Prayer Gatherings

Monday Prayer Gatherings are where we seek the tangible presence of God, to be transformed by meditation on His Word, and to partner with His will through intercession for revival for our region and nation.

We are resolved to create opportunities to meet with God through corporate prayer and worship. It is our desire that these prayer gatherings would usher in the power and presence of God in our hearts, our church community, and our city. We hope you will join us, and make this pursuit a part of your life.

Monday Nights

5:30PM - 6:30PM Weekly *Resumes 13th Jan 2025

Location: Palmerston North Campus | Auditorium Two

Prayer & Fasting

As a community we commit a number of times throughout the year to corporately seek God through focused times of prayer and fasting. We do this to grow closer to Him, and to intercede for our city & needs within our community. These seasons are always potent and fruitful as we decide to draw away from the world and draw closer to God.


Prayer and Fasting

10th February - 21st February 2025

No man is greater than his prayer life

- Leonard Ravenhill

The 300

Several months ago when I was praying for our region I felt a prophetic sense to call together a group of men and women and form a prayer community of 300. Through a number of confirmations from other local pastors & intercessors in our city we are stepping out and believing for followers of Jesus to join in this community of 300.

In Judges 8, God used an army of 300 to fight an opposition of thousands and with this encouragement in mind, I believe we will see 300 people to stand in prayer for their church, town or city & region.

I would love to personally invite you to pray with other Christians from across the Manawatu in prayer nights, prayer & fasting weeks, and weekly prayer gatherings.

-Ps Dale Meacheam
Senior Pastor of Vision Church

The Why

In the gospel of Mathew Jesus said His house should be called a “house of prayer.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭21‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

“We need to build a corporate house of prayer across our region.”

Jesus reinstated His house, the church, as a house of prayer “then the blind and lame came and received healing.”

We must build a house of prayer across our region from as many churches as possible.

Join the 300

1.Sign Up

Sign up below to stand with others who are making a conscious commitment to pray for our region

2. A Daily Discipline

If you don’t have one already create a daily prayer rhythm. Decide on a time and a place to pray.

Practice Prayer Guide

3. Weekly Prayer

Join us Monday Nights in our Upper Room (Auditorium Two) for corporate prayer. 5:30 - 6:30pm with Kids Care fortnightly (off week to connect groups)

Not from Vision?

If you are from a church outside of Vision be encouraged to attend or start a prayer gathering in your connect group or local church. If this is not possible we invite to join us on a Monday night - no strings or expectations attached.

Sign Up Here